Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Come With Me

What do I know about health?

I have authority in the subject of weight-loss? I don’t think so.

Then again, as I think about it, maybe I do have something to share. At this time, I am approximately overweight and frustrated. I’ve lost weight only long enough for it to find me again. And yet, people ask, “How do you do it? What are you doing? Please help me.” So maybe. Just maybe. There’s something I will say that might resonate within you and bring freedom in an area you’ve struggled with for longer than you care to count. Maybe you, like me, have listened to those who would say their “diet” plan, or new lifestyle is the answer only to find that it’s more of what you’ve grown to know as another disappointment.

Whether you need to lose weight, maintain, or simply engage in a healthier lifestyle, there are some ideas and thoughts I’d like to share. Remember, though, that these are my ideas, not proven by any health guru, other than my own journey that is continuing to unfold as I take each step across the terrain of my life.

If you’ll walk with me in this, I would love to hear your successes, but more than weight-loss. I want to hear stories about how you’ve found freedom within your heart to do the thing many of us have trouble doing.

What is that?

To love yourself as Christ loved you.

How can anyone love their neighbor well if they don’t first love and care for their selves? How can anyone truly love their family if they can’t first be kind to their selves?

We can’t.

Jesus taught us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. So the first thing in this fight is to find out how to conquer self-loathing, self-defeat, self-sabotage, negative self-talk, and anything else that is indicative of our distaste for the amazing creation God called us to be. We need to be able to look in the mirror each day and truly like who we see staring back. I believe once we can do this, our health will be a beautiful bi-product.

Won’t you join me? I hope you will. It’s never fun to walk alone.

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Weaving words for the heart and soul,
Karlene A. Jacobsen
Freelance Writer

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