Saturday, May 18, 2013

Total Dependence

It's been a while since we've last spoken. I'm sorry. Like many, if not all, of us the best laid plans have a tendency to get derailed by life's incredible ability to intervene. How often do we look and say, "How did we get here? Why is this happening?"

I'm learning that God has a bigger story, a more profound plot, with greater impact capabilities than we can fathom. His ways are higher than ours.

I've been aware that a new season was about to unfold in my life. I've asked God if it couldn't be a season of rest. Them my heart began to stir. I wanted to feel that I was making a difference. That I was a blessing rather than needing to be blessed.

Surprise. The vehicle --life-- has dropped me off in the world of home care. It's quiet. Restful. Peaceful. And I am in a place once again of being totally dependent on God for my every move. I'm out of my element here. In another's home. Praying I can be a blessing to the entire family --not only the woman I have the honor of caring for.

Why tell you this?

Because detours are not our plan but can be -- and very well might be-- God showing up with a better plan.


  1. And His way is higher. I'm so happy to see God's provision for you.

  2. I love how you follow where He leads.

    1. Thanks, Lisa. One day, I'll share the story how this came about, but for now ... God's faithfulness and patience is astounding.


Thanks for stopping. I'd love to hear from you.


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